The current edition of Quaker News – a quarterly update on Quaker work in the care of Britain Yearly Meeting – carries a fine two-page article about QBL, introduced as follows:
The Sustainability and Peace programme is developing fast and part of its growing strength is the links it is building with existing Quaker groups and local Friends. Among them is Quaker Bolivia Link, an informal Quaker group who have a deep knowledge of the way climate change is affecting groups in rural Bolivia. As it happens, Quaker Bolivia Link is one of the projects chosen by Quaker Peace & Social Witness (QPSW) to be given help by the Supporting Local Initiatives project, so it seems a good moment to focus on their insights.
Quaker Bolivia Link has been working for almost fifteen years with Aymara families of the high Andes and Altiplano, many with links to the Religious Society of Friends in Bolivia.”
The article goes on to describe QBL’s work in text and photos.