By Rob Rogers
I am one of the most recent, if not the newest, additions to the QBL-USA Board. Joining in June my experience has been limited to date, but already the experience is proving to be satisfying.
Nonprofit work has been a core part of my life for many years, and it has taken many forms. I currently serve as the Chief Financial & Administrative Officer of a non-profit human services organization located in Delaware. Previously, I served as the Chief Financial Officer of a Federally Qualified Health Center providing healthcare to those in rural West Virginia. Immediately prior to relocating to West Virginia, my family and I lived in the metropolitan Baltimore area while I served as the Director of the State historical society. Other previous nonprofit positions have included service in a disease charity and also the arts.
Regardless of wherever I worked, I also tried to serve in some volunteer capacity on a committee, commission, Board or some other effort. That is, until my relocation to Delaware. My new post found many ways to keep me busy at work and it was over two years before I stopped to realize that I hadn’t become involved in any anything else of substance. I needed more, something to pleasantly distract me from my day-to-day but, more importantly, something that could keep me grounded and allow me to feel that I was offering a worthwhile contribution. I began to look into options.
I happened upon the QBL only through a posting on QBL was an unlikely match as I’ve had no connection to Bolivia, I’m not a Quaker, and I don’t even speak Spanish. However, the nearby location caused me to at least look into it. Shortly thereafter I had read through the QBL website and spoken to John by phone. We arranged to meet over dinner with several other Board members – Ed, Gladys and Rene. From there, my interest only increased.
The commitment from others on the QBL Board truly intrigued me. Without such passion I may not have pursued the opportunity. However, I found the connection with QBL out of common, but perhaps selfish, desire. I find it difficult to image an alternative opportunity elsewhere to help those so far abroad, in Bolivia, with obtaining even the most basic of needs such as water. Such an opportunity truly satisfies an internal desire to try and serve others in a way I can’t envision finding elsewhere.
I look forward to continuing to grow with QBL and becoming a useful addition to the Board as time progresses. I hope you continue with me and continue to follow along with QBL, this blog and our collective journey. Thank you!
Rob Rogers