QBL is happy to report on current work as a Quaker response to poverty amongst the Aymara people in the Altiplano region.
In April, there was a historic first-time meeting in La Paz of the three QBL board clerks—from the boards of Bolivia (FQBL), the United Kingdom (QBL-UK), and the United States of America (QBL-USA)—during a board-sponsored trip to visit three recent projects with the QBL staff. The village projects encompassed three signature efforts of the organization: llama breeding in Rosapata Yaribay, quinoa production in Tupaltupa, and a potable water system inYaribay.
In June, QBL-USA authorized the funding for 15 reinforcement projects that will provide follow-up consultation and updates for villages who have benefited from past projects. QBL takes good care to follow up on its projects for the first two years after completion, with the option (as seen here) for villages to ask for expansion, support, or repairs after the two-year period has passed.
In July, QBL-USA established a consulting relationship with an independent grant writer to facilitate in accessing greater funding for future projects. Grants will allow QBL to serve more Aymara villages in a timely fashion.
QBL is ready to serve even more villages and welcomes Friends’ support through board service, invitations to speak at meetings, and financial contributions.