Our Journey in Chullunkani in January 2016

Our Journey in Chullunkani in January 2016

Our Journey in Chullunkani, Bolivia Chullunkani Water Project Did you know that the average distance that women in rural communities of Africa, Asia and South America walk to collect water is 6 kilometers (almost 4 miles)?  That is the equivalent of 40+ minutes that...

Fall 2015 Newsletter from QBL-US

20 Years and Counting This fall we continue to celebrate the important work that Quaker Bolivia Link has done over the last 20 years, providing effective responses to poverty among the Aymara communities of the Altiplano, with a new community water project. This issue...
November 2015 Newsletter from QBL-UK

November 2015 Newsletter from QBL-UK

Celebrating 20 Years of Responding to Poverty Just over 20 years ago, a group of British Quakers visited Bolivia to meet and build links with the Quakers there. They most certainly did not realize it at the time, but they were making the initial steps of what has...
Spread The Word

Spread The Word

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